I found this image online of some unfortunate hives that got ambushed by a bear. It's quite a mess. Bears eat honey but they also target beehives because bee larvae are a great source of protein.
I asked Davey if he's ever had a problem with wildlife. Just this year, in fact, he lost 60 hives to a bear. That is quite a loss from just one hungry animal. He said that in Maine, bears are such a problem for beehives that crews of people will construct bear fences around the pollinating areas just for pollination time. Skunks will scratch at hives and eat bees for food. Not too many other creatures seem to bother hives but if you just Google animals with bee stings, the images are pretty funny. It is hard for a bee to sting through the coarse fur on these animals, but animals seem to get stung in the face region. If you want bigger cheeks, the fastest option might be to try and eat a bee.