June 03, 2013Beeswax has been used by humans for thousands of years. Many old churches in Europe have great artwork created with encaustic. This type of painting is where an artist mixes hot wax with pigment to create a "paint." Since wax will dry and harden quickly, an artist must be very skilled to complete the work of art in only a short time. Candles made of beeswax are said to burn brighter and not leave black residue on ceilings. This is the reason that beeswax was so valuable to churches in the middle ages-- it didn't harm illustrious paintings that were housed there. Beeswax candles are still popular today, but handmade ones can be quite pricey. Thats because it takes 6-7 pounds of honey to get one pound of wax. Recent bee die-offs mean not only less honey, but less wax available as well. Next time you go shopping for chap stick or candles, look on the ingredients for beeswax. It is in more items than you think.