Honey Comb

August 12, 2013

Many people think about honey comb when they think about beekeeping and honey. Honey comb is a unique result of honey bees' hard work.  Beeswax is produced from glands on the underside of the abdomens of worker bees when they are between 12 and 15 days old. (Google a picture of a bee making beeswax- it is really fascinating) Bees that tend to the hive then take the beeswax and form it with their mouths into the honeycomb. They can shape it however they want after chewing it.  Honey comb cells are 6 sized cells and are built a precise distance apart depending on what they are used for. Some cells are for storing honey and pollen while other cells are used to raise young bees. Combs are built a precise distance apart depending on whether they are meant to contain food or young bees. Drone cells are larger than worker bee cells.The place in the hive where the queen bee lays eggs is called the brood comb.

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